Monday, January 13, 2020

Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins FULL MOVIE

It's supposed to be this feel good moment when Roscoe realizes the error of his ways and comes around but it's not as climatic as it could have been. The very weak romance that exists has very little chemistry. So the film really does rely on the comedic talents of it's star and the physical comedy which does manage to get a few chuckles. I do like Lawrence, he does always seem to play the same sort of character but he does have great comedic timing and he really is terrific at physical comedy which I love and I have great respect for a comedian who does it right.

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Also I watched this on free tv so perhaps I was nicer to this film than I normally would be. Roscoe Jenkins is a very successful man, he's a host of a new talk show and author of a self help book, everyone loves him pretty much, including his Survivor wanna be star fiancée, Bianca. But when his son wants to go to his family's big BBQ reunion down in Atlanta, Roscoe decides that it's time for them to meet his new fiancée and life. But what Bianca is not expecting is his crazy family that will just drive them crazy. But Roscoe sees an old crush with his "brother like" enemy, Clyde, flames spark up again, questioning what Roscoe's true roots are.


During the anniversary celebration, Clyde cries during his speech for Mama and Papa Jenkins, admitting how much he cares about Roscoe, who appears, thanking the family for helping him realize his love for them, and congratulating his parents. He and his father apologize to each other, and Roscoe asks Lucinda to dance. After the celebration, the family watches a video of the celebration on a big-screen TV while Roscoe and Lucinda depart to make love, discovering when they enter the bedroom that the dogs Bucky and Fifi had intercourse, too.

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Margaret Avery, Cedric the Entertainer, Mo'nique and Michael Clarke Duncan are all funny and good at puncturing the bubble of Roscoe's believed importance. Eventually Roscoe learns some important lessons about the importance of family and remaining connected to them and becomes the man his father has always wanted him to be. This is a decent, somewhat funny movie so it gets a grade of C+ and a moderate recommendation.

item 2 Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (DVD, 2008, Full Frame)Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (DVD, 2008, Full Frame)

Her role is demeaning and as hard as she tries to be funny...she isn't. And Mike Epps who is a decent comedian sometimes and even this role is kind of funny but he gets lost in the bland characterization of his character. Most will find the film genuinely funny and it is but it won't stick with you. It's not something that will become a classic comedy unless you're a huge Martin Lawrence fan.

There, our celebrity-life-embracing hero is cut down to size by the relations he left behind, including his abrasive sister, Betty (Mo’Nique), and big brother Otis (very big brother, actually, given that he’s played by Michael Clarke Duncan). In short, if you thought National Lampoon’s Vacation films were at least okay, then Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins is a decent enough way to spend two hours. Martin Lawrence is hilarious in the movie but Mike Epps and Mo'Nique made the movie. I liked the funny scenes when Roscoe goes home to see his family after he became a big star and brought home his fake girlfriend. They all fight amongst each other and there are so many subtle funny scenes. I decided to buy it because it is one of those films you can watch oever and over again and not get tired of it.

IMDb Best of 2022

Lawrence is very watchable as Roscoe and definitely carries the film. Joy Bryant plays the high maintenance fiancé to Roscoe, Bianca. Her and Lawrence have Zero chemistry and actually look ridiculous together I think. Still she makes a good villain and someone you'll love to hate. Nicole Ari Parker plays the 'other girl' Roscoe's true love and childhood sweetheart.

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I hate to say it but Parker is bland and looks like a deer in the headlights. She has almost as little chemistry with Lawrence and she IS supposed to have chemistry with him. She just looks bored or tired or something but doesn't fit the cast. Cedric The Entertainer who I also think can be a very funny guy plays Lawrence's rival and cousin. He is decent but just kind of does his thing and never really makes any significant addition to the cast.

item 6 Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (DVD, 2008, Full Frame)Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (DVD, 2008, Full Frame)

The most notable were James Earl Jones, Nicole Ari Parker, and Mo'Nique. Mo'Nique, I must say, is the funniest character in here, in my opinion. I mean the film has some good laughs it just doesn't hold your attention very long. The characters are just so overblown and there is some sort of messed up moral there somewhere that just doesn't work out very well.

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During the credits, Roscoe interviews his family on his show, renamed The Roscoe Jenkins Show. A talk show host heads home to the South from Hollywood, ready to flaunt his success. But his family quickly reminds him of where he came from. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! Tap "Sign me up" below to receive our weekly newsletter with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. On the Jenkins' anniversary, the whole family gathers for their traditional obstacle course.


The family is angered by Roscoe's arrogant behavior and Jamaal refuses to go near his father, with Roscoe Sr. reprimanding his son for his behavior. Stunned by this admission, Roscoe Sr. realizes he himself is the reason his son left home and walks off feeling guilty and ashamed. Now seeing why Roscoe resented him, Clyde admits he never intended to take Roscoe’s place, and that his competitiveness was because he only wanted to fit in and be accepted by the family and sees Roscoe as his brother. He tries to shake Roscoe's hand, but Bianca rebuffs him, and Roscoe leaves with Bianca and Jamaal, but not before his mother reminds him that his family still loves him. At home, RJ's family does not treat him as the important semi-celebrity he is in LA but as the child who could never defeat his cousin Clyde in any competition and as the boy still under his parents' dominion at home.

RJ Stevens is a television talk-show sensation who has transcended his modest Southern beginnings to become the most popular self-help guru ever to grace the small screen. His show, "Team of Me," is a ratings juggernaut, his fiance is a beautiful reality television star, and his pockets are always lined with large bills. There are few Tinseltown dreams that RJ hasn't already achieved, so when his parents announce their 50th wedding anniversary, the family-oriented television star immediately drops everything and sets his sights on Georgia. As a boy, RJ was always the target of ridicule within his family, but these days things are different; not only does RJ have a ten-year-old son, but his bride-to-be is admired by countless viewers all across the globe on a weekly basis. Louis C.K., Cedric the Entertainer, Michael Clarke Duncan, and James Earl Jones co-star in a Southern-flavored family comedy written and directed by Malcolm D. Lee.

Audience Reviews for Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins

Also, this movie had some pretty decent jokes, much better than many other comedies released this time who use clichéd and predictable jokes. What I also admired about this movie was the family matter and moral this movie was trying to give out. Unfortunately, the other jokes this movie seem to have were also predictable, gross, unfunny, and crude. Some scenes in the movie just ruin the sweets scenes before it because it felt like the filmmakers just want to make people laugh.

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